Bill and Joy Gibson

about us
Pathway Discipleship is a Mission Organization with an emphasis on making disciples here in the United States. With Christ as our example, we strive to REACH the lost, INVEST in their lives, and then MULTIPLY by teaching our disciples to go out make disciples of their own. Contact us to learn more and get involved.
our mission

Our mission is to connect with those who are lost and seeking answers, and to lead them to the saving knowledge of Jesus Christ, equipping them to live a victorious Christian life. We do this through our outreach at the Youth Center in Ashland, PA, our ministry to the homeless at McPhearson Park in Philly and through a gym outreach, where I meet new guys needing to be discipled. A personalized, one-on-one discipleship plan is then made to fit any new converts for Christ, with Bible study, accountability, and prayer time as key elements in the plan. As these new disciples grow in their faith, they will be trained to begin the Multiplication process of reaching their own disciples for Christ.